TOKUSEN U.S.A., Inc. manufactures steel fibers included in Ultra High-Performance Concert (UHPC) for durability. It is used in the construction industry and the building of bridges, roadways, and strong boxes.
Our product and process is customizable to client needs.
Tokusen U.S.A. follows ASTM A820
- Diameter +/- 10 %
- Length +/- 10 %
- Tensile > 2700MPA
- Bend Pass / Fail
Stock Item is 0.20 x 13mm Fibers
Tokusen U.S.A., Inc. capabilities offers flexibility for our customers
- Diameters 0.20mm to 0.40mm
- Lengths 6.0mm to 24mm
BAA Material is made from Virgin Material and the Fibers are very close to straight
Non BAA Material could be from a 2nd Hand Source and may not be perfectly straight.